Tour to Friedrichstadt in Germany 2006

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List of participants on the tour

Friedrichstadt is an old 'Dutch' town, built by the Dutch very many years ago. The town has also the same look as many towns in the Netherlands. The houses are in many ways the same as in the Netherlands.

Friday August 11th, departure from The Grundfos Center at 9

The group gathered at the Grundfos Center before departure.

Time for outdoor lunch. The spotted mountain shirt need to come out in the air.

As seen on the picture, it is very nice and warm weather.

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Saturday: Free shopping in Friedrichstadt

Arrived at the hotel in Friedrichstadt.

All the men are gathered.

Also all the women are gathered.

Notice the house with the red roof, there are anchoring through the house to the back to prevent the house from falling down.

A short break at the town square.

Something to drink is needed in hot weather

A very old waterstand on the square in Friedrichstadt.

A nice painting on the house and well done banks.

There are canals around the town and tourboats are sailing around.

The sea is not far away through the canals and many small ships come into the town.

An old storage house.

There is a large sluice so you are able to control the water, and to keep it closed when the water gets too high.

A trip with a tourboat cannot be nicer.

You need to have a steady hand, when sailing through the many bridges, there is not much free space.

This wooden bridge is very old, and is one of the first bridges built over the canal.

Tourboats ready for a trip on the canals.

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Sunday: Sluice at the flod estuary of the Elben

It is a very impressing sluice work. Very big, and worth a visit if your are around here, not very far away from Friedrichstadt.

A view from the top of the sluice at the tidal flats.

Still on the top of the sluice you can see a road appearing.

The road goes through the construction and continues on the dam.

It is easier to see it here. It looks the same on the other side, The canal in Friedrichstadt is in connection with the river, and that is why there are sluices in the town.
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Sunday: Heading home at 14:00

Time for departure from Friedrichstadt.

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