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From Bjerringbro Avis

Grundfos Petanque on tour to Madrid

Grundfos Petanque Club has participated in a tournament in Madrid in April and at the same time paid a visit to the Spanish Grundfos Conpany with the headquarters 80 km north of Madrid, in Algete

It is a sales and service company without any production. The assembly of new pumps takes place from time to time. There are not many employees for the time being but there have been many more, but due to the world financial crisis a reduction has taken place.

On the parking place Grundfos has established a large solar cell construction which provides both Grundfos and Algete with power.

On Queen Margrethe's 70-years birthday the petanque tournament took place in the city of Alcobendas in the northern part of Madrid. We were given a warm welcome which was a pleasant experience in a foreign country from people completely unknown to us. Vi brought a gift to the chairman, a porcelain Easter egg, decorated by the Queen. The weather was lovely, sunshine and 20 degrees. They have a very large petanque ground at the size of a half football field. We played doubles against the Spanish. There were many good matches, but they were better than us. An excuse could be, that the weather permits them to to practice the whole year.